tiffany's make-shift planner

.: april :.

10 - PPL final
11 - dave's birthday
16 - pharmaceutics final
19 - pharmaceutical practice final
23 - therapeutics ORAL exam (yikes)
25 - ames' birthday!!!
26 - toxicology final

.: may :.

1 - mom's birthday
2 - pharmacology final
4 - phm analysis final
5 - parents leave for trip
7 - med chem final
10 - patho final
19 - dave's parents arrive
20 - parents return

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faerylicious images & design.
name : tiffany
faith : christian.
nationality : cbc.
status : <3
living in : toronto.
school / major : UT / pharmacy

.: my stats, as of 11/05/06 :.

mood : tired.
likes : my friends. bunnies fronting as pillows. keeners.
dislikes : exams. lack of sleep. keeners.
wishlist : "connections".
current distractions : dexter, top model, heroes.
wondering : hmmm, is it too late for me re-learn study habits?

and b/c it can't be
said enough:

.: fun links :.

my old site
my first photo album
homestar runner (sb emails! tgs!)
red flag deals (great freebies)
jung personality quiz
the personality types
twop - the best in snark
post secret
ghetto foodies
my flickr page
web msn
delta book club blog
makezine crafts
boing boing
ask metafilter

.: friends' links :.

[infrequent updaters]
erin's abstruse literature
jess' mess
jon (my brother)
benita & clara
nat's photography
benita freewebs
[fairly frequent updaters]
vancouver dave
matt mark

.: guestbook :.
leave a comment
the feedback

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

felix: so what are you trying to say?! (also, on behalf of anika and i: where have you been? if we ask you to come meet up with us sometime, will you actually come? :p)

haven't blogged in a while... so spa night was pretty fun, as always, and yesterday we had "dessert night" (although only anika brought something). we had cherry cheesecake and chocolate mousse... yum! and even better, camille got kicked off! yay! anyhow, anika and i were talking about our (thus far) nonexistant plans this long weekend, so i'm going to need some suggestions on what to do. what are you doing?

on friday, jenne was at delta sharing about stories, which was pretty good. and saturday was toby's wedding! i can't believe he's married!?!?!?!  but i had tons of fun that night with mei, benita, allison, cheryl, ming, and co. i'll post up the pictures soon-ish. . the food was great, the dresses were nice, the red wine flowed from the bottle to our (and by "our", i mean ben's) glasses, the dance was fun, and my best friends were there! next up, tracey's wedding and then harold's!

on sunday, our family had lunch with rosanna, jasmine, and jack, and then jon and i surprised my dad for his birthday with cake and presents.  my dad rented two movies from the video store, the "red siren" and "dragonfly". you've probably never heard of the first one (i hadn't either), but it's an alright (but bloody) movie. not really my cup of tea, but my dad thought it was good. dragonfly was pretty good in keeping you wanting to find out what happens in the end, but the actual end was a bit of a let-down for me. plus, i'm not too sure about kevin costner's emoting skills...

anyway, all in all, life's been treating me pretty well. tonight, i'm going to catch up on my sleep, and tommorrow i'm going to meet up with erin.

people i still want to meet up with this summer, but haven't yet:
- erin/liz/candice
- ebru/paulina
- jeanie/ketan
- marco/vic/jess/xin/karolina/alanna
- simon! suz/tina
- jess cheung/ju/karyn
- justin
- danny (both)

people i don't want to see:
- ???
hahaha ;p






posted @ 5:31:00 p.m.


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Sunday, July 18, 2004

had such a great weekend... friday was girls' night at delta and this week we had a sleepover at iulia's, which was very fun. love those guppies, especially that show-off brannigan! saturday, i spent the morning with my bests, mei and benita, at dixie value. i bought a dress for toby's wedding this saturday and also fell in love with some pointy-toed kitten heels. must buy... :p after shopping, we headed east for benita's game for a few hours, and then came back to mississauga where we made dinner and just spent the rest of the night talking. it was just a such a nice time to catch up, laugh, and relax with each other. <3 you guys!
funniest thing i heard this weekend: that eric cried during drumline (which i have not seen) because nick cannon's character got kicked out for not being able to read music. love that kid. love him!
jon came home from turkey today and it was so good seeing him again! <3 when he got back, we got a chance to chat a little and look at some of his digital pictures and videos. mmmm... looking forward to eating more turkish delight...
oh, and as long as i'm here, i might as well share this unrelated thing with you. i think i'm starting to become a relationship hater. honestly! ok, maybe "hater" is too strong of a term, but i've become strongly irked/annoyed with them as of late. i mean, i do have friends that are really good and cute couples without being saccharine sweet - that i'm fine with, but the others? get your heads out of the clouds! (and while you're at it, stop putting people on impossible pedastals.) my goodness, i don't know how much more "i love you... no, i love you... i love you more... love you more... no, i do... love you babe..." i can take!! that's all i hear at work these days! constant phone calls... it's driving me (and everybody else, not to mention) insane!! and not just at work, but other (unnamed) people going "oh tiff, just wait until you find the right person, it's so awesome..." (of course it'll be great! otherwise who'd fall in love?), "don't worry, we'll find you a nice boy..." and other condenscending blah blah blahs... what makes you think that i want a boy right now? you might think that this runs a little hollow, but i feel perfectly content with my life right now and i don't want anything to marr it! (boys + tiffany = stress i don't want)  i don't understand why everybody thinks that i'm unhappy b/c i'm not in a relationship. or that if i'm upset, it's automatically b/c i don't have bf or some garbage like that! sheeesh. this isn't "sour grapes", i'm not secretly hoping that these couples will fail b/c i'm truly happy for them, but if this keeps up, i'm going to start gagging. and using ear plugs. and maybe gouge out my eyes. :)
phew, that felt good! anyhow, since all i really do these days is go to work and occasionally see friends (last week was magic bullet night, this week is spa night!), there really isn't too much else to write about now... g'night and sweet dreams, all.
p.s. felix, that puppy is adorable!

posted @ 9:10:00 p.m.


+ + +

Saturday, July 10, 2004

whoa, i haven't checked out people's pages in a long, long time! how is everybody doing? how come half of you haven't called me lately? sheesh! :p

i got this from alex's page... sorry for stealing this, but i had to put it up!

to everybody who goes/went to queens:

"Ahh the lovely month of July. When a young man's mind turns to thoughts of love and preregistration. Is there any greater joy than waking up at the crack of dawn (literally if you live on the west coast), bounding down the stairs in joyous anticipation of an academic future, and breezily breezing though the excellent and courteous service that is QCARD? Well, some might say they would prefer stab their eyes out with rusty spoons, others with rusty forks, but I, I would not give up the sisyphean joys of QCARD for any other form of medieval torture. Ahh yes, I can feel my blood pressure rising delightfully at the thought of it. The "This Page Cannot Be Displayed" screens. The ambiguous red herring buttons. The constant and fruitless attempts to log on. It's enough to make you want to slam a semi packed with explosives into Richardson Hall in appreciation! But seriously folks, QCARD is not all fun and games. There's an important message behind all the mindless cruelty, and it has to do with the very spirit of Queen's:

the administration fucking hates you.

Yes, yes, those little rascals, too coy to say it outright, instead they delight in tormenting us with byzantine registration processes and irrational error messages. But no doubt it's a love-hate relationship- they hate us, but they love our money. This brings me to another good point, if QCARD should be getting you down: remember, it's all being paid for with your student fees. Feel better? Just in case that didn't work for you, I have prepared a foolproof, step-by-step guide to succeeding with QCARD. Now, simply load the initial page at Good, now click on Log in to QCARD. Now. what. cannot find server. okay, okay, remain calm, simply close the window and click again. and again. try it once more. hmm again (30 minutes later). ahh, here we are, the QCARD main page. See, no problem. Now, be very careful. A single wrong click of the mouse could plunge you back into "cannot find server" purgatory. Ignore the ridiculously misleading options like "ADD/DROP Courses", "Course Offerings", or "Timetable", and click on preregistration. there we go, see no problem. Now hit "Enter Course Requests." Then, simply type in your desired courses, the ones you picked arbitrarily on the basis of timetables and you wanting to sleep in. Now hit "update" and presto, no prob. what's this? I haven't taken the prerequisites??? But, but, I'm a fucking third year politics major! It's a 200 level course! What the fu. okay, okay, hahaha, calm down. Must be some sort of administrative error. Now, we simply hit the "course requests" button, being careful not to mash the mouse button into the desk in rage. Then we'll. "cannot find server". what. no. no!! Go back! Go back!! &%$%*!!! [expletives deleted out]

Alright, we're going to take a short break, and answer some frequently asked questions. Alli, majoring in Phys Ed., asks: "Why does QCARD feel the need to exacerbate my already miserable existence?" Well Alli, like I said before, the administration hates you, so the more miserable your existence, the more glee they'll undoubtedly get out of tormenting you. Chris, in Engineering, writes. "After 6 straight hours on QCARD, I finally realised I had lost my belief in God and a just world." Well Chris, that's not really a question, but I'll answer it anyway. God works in mysterious ways my friend, mysterious ways. Plus I think His attitude towards us is similar to the administration's. Jeff, in Nursing, asks. "QCARD doesn't seem to be responding to my cries of rage and tearful pleading. What should I do next?" Obviously, Jeff, if verbal communication is not working for you, the next solution must be physical violence.

Well, that's all the time I have for now folks. I have to go ritualistically sacrifice a small child in hopes of appeasing the mighty god Morgor, lord of the QCARD. He demands human suffering. Sincerely, Yours truly, Matt Aikins."

i especially sympathise with the rusty spoon/fork thing. anyway, hope all you guys got into your classes! say hi to qcard for me!

posted @ 1:17:00 p.m.


+ + +

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

thanks guys, for your support about this pharm thing. i'm still trying to take this all in b/c this is going to be a huge change. i'll be a frosh again! new environment, new school and program, new friends :( , new (or old, rather) housing situation! guys, i have no idea what it's going to be like commuting (an hour each way?) and living back at home... it's going to take a lot of getting used to now... I MISS MY APARTMENT!!!!! downtown toronto living would be way too expensive for me (plus tuition is going to be so expensive now - probably about $11000/year!?!?!) well, there's always the option of trying to get one of those shoppers scholarships and then moving downtown with nat... what do you say?

random stuff:
- jenne came over on friday and we have come to the consensus that love actually was a terrible, terrible movie. don't see it, not worth it. i have no idea why kalam and everybody liked it so much. it was cheesy and cliched, had too many characters without enough plot or development, things were left unresolved or they were just plain unneccessary and gratuitous. so if you saw it, i'm eager to hear your opinions - good or bad.
- went hiking in ancaster (where is this redeemer anyway, felix?) with some agape folks. got to spend some time chatting with allison and dearest eric.
- yesterday, spent the best night ever being waited on by my lovely cousins. somehow they got it into their heads to play "massage center" (more of a spa, really) and adrienne and i were the customers. i spent the rest of the evening getting "the works"... a "facial" with hand cream, aquarian tour, storybook reading with juice, and various massages like "curotty" (karate chops), the elbow technique, and a neck rub. and they didn't even squabble with each other that evening, God bless 'em...
- heard some accents today at work, am more determined to move to australia now...

posted @ 11:38:00 p.m.


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Saturday, July 03, 2004

it's official. as of september, i will be a UT student...

posted @ 12:17:00 a.m.


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